What is BootZilla?

BootZilla is a compilation of tools intended for use in diagnosing and fixing computers. Whether it be virus infections, or hardware failure, BootZilla has been designed from the ground-up to be a complete computer tech’s repair toolkit. Over the past 8 years, technicians from around the globe have used BootZilla to fix computers, whether it be on the small scale or enterprise level.

BootZilla is Free! Since the start of the project, one goal was to always offer a free toolkit for technicians. In the future, we hope to branch out into a paid edition, as per requests from several users over the years.

BootZilla has been previously known as BHT and BencHToolz. It began as a toolkit for computer techs back in 2003, used internally at a small computer shop. As time went on, it became increasingly useful and was turned into a publicly available toolkit.

Since 2004, development has been off and on, with five major releases, made available in all corners of the internet. Several different approaches to scripting the download functionality of the toolkit have been undertaken and implemented. During the development of BootZilla version 6, it was determined that batch scripting the download process was no longer viable, and all old scripts were scrapped. The latest edition of BootZilla now utilizes Ketarin, a free tool written in .NET 2.0 C#, with SQLite as a database for the download links and file management. This helped to improve debug time and made the toolkit easier to develop, download, and deploy. It also enables the end user to see exactly which files are updated and gives excellent logging, should anything go wrong.

Version 6 is currently under development, and will be released between spring-summer 2013. Currently, a beta version is available, but is missing a lot of polish.